Monday, January 15, 2007

The Man Behind The Curtain

I am from San Antonio, Texas. I am the product of extensive years in both public and private schools. I was very active in high school. I was the editor-in-chief of our school's paper, The Statesman. I was in debate for a couple of years; I qualified to go to Nationals. I was a delegate (meaning I was appointed) into the student government by both my peers and teachers. Academia aside, I love to cook- its a passion of mine. Making and enjoying fine food is something I love to do with friends and family. I travel extensively but I still love my Texas roots. I cannot stop my addiction to reading current affairs and history books. I don't think you can avoid politics when you mention my name. I live, eat, and breathe politics.

I am a simple-minded, opinionated person. I love to learn more about people- I promise I don't bite regardless of what you may or may not have heard from others. I'm fair, honest, and have a sense of values (that sadly I think my generation has lost) such as hardwork, sacrifice, and being respectful to others. I strive to be a jack of all trades; I hope people consider me a gentleman- manners are very important to me. I am an only child. I love my family and friends. My mother and father are both nurses; I am the odd ball of the family not going into medicine. Instead, I intend to go to law school and follow my heart in Constitutional law.