Thursday, March 22, 2007

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

"the Texan" remarks to a fellow post,

"After many years of courtroom experience, politics, and just plain intelligent (I hope) observation, it is evident to me that many people on the "left" of the political spectrum are determined to treat terrorists as simple criminals."

"The Texan", a conservative writer, continues to rant about how the "left" is trying to be soft on terrorism. The Texan while making some generic, rather, characteristic traits of the generic left, ignores the more intense debate regarding historical, legal, and constitutional issues regarding the prosecution of suspected "enemy combatants". To "the Texan" justice is sought by shift retribution.

"canislatrans" writes,

"Hold on a minute, five years imprisonment, no trial, no right of habeas corpus, no public evidence to support the governments charges?
This is the United States of America?!!"

The writer upholds intrisic values with a sensational rage. The writer wishes to extend mentioned rights to all or atleast practice what those preach. While the author does warrant having a case of alarm, the writer simplifies the arguement- really who would'nt be for fair and speedy trials and the right of habeas corpus?